Serigraph Silkscreen from Muller Van Severen 22/50
Serigraph Silkscreen from Muller Van Severen 22/50
This Serigraph Silkscreen shows the iconic table + lamp of Muller Van Severen. This object is one of the very first objects Fien Muller and Hannes Van Severen designed together and marks the starting point of their career as a design duo. It is part of their first exhibition in 2011 at the Antwerp gallery Valerie Traan. It was in early spring 2011 that Muller Van Severen was born, a creative collaboration that gave rise to a furniture collection by the Belgian artist duo Fien Muller and Hannes Van Severen. They are considered as one of the most image-defining European design teams of today.
The creation of functional objects occurred spontaneously. While renovating their house, they are confronted with a lack of electric wiring in the ceiling. Fien Muller and Hannes Van Severen start designing a table with a lamp attached to it.
Width: 33 cm
Depth: 3.5 cm
Item is available